Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Golden State by Michelle Richmond

I was feeling grumpy for several days last week. I finally figured out that I was suffering from Lack of Fiction. I had books to read, but they were all non-fiction. I couldn't squeeze a trip to the library into my schedule for the next couple of days and when Saturday rolled around, I had several errands to run, but first on the list was the library. Golden State was one of the fiction books that I checked out.

On the day that California is voting on whether or not to secede, Dr. Julie Walker is making her way through the riot-filled streets of San Francisco to help deliver her sister's baby. But that's not it. Walker is also in the middle of a hostage situation. As the day (and book) goes on, we, the readers, are filled in with the history leading up to this day.

Gripping is the word I would use to describe Golden State. It captured my attention and was exactly the kind of fiction I needed to find myself in.

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